Saturday 21 July 2018

Hornsea gets the carnival spirit!

This is the second attempt today and it is getting late, so here goes. Firstly I will start with something that should have been the main entry yesterday, I received some Bloom and Wild flowers through the post, the ones that fit in the letter box, from Anya. She knows that I have been a bit stressed with my brother and sister being unwell and thought I would like them. They are lovely, and as there are stocks as well scented too.
Last night I went out again to see the fireworks, took so many, some not great at all, but here are a few.

This morning Tina and I did visit the site and supported some of the stalls and then back to watch the parade. I had decided to watch it from the spare room that, as we thought, had a window that opened. But we were mistaken so some damage later, thanks to Tina and myself we got one side open enough for me to take pics not through glass.
A couple of shots.

A few more, won't do too many at a time as one computer threw me off and this one is on a go slow!

I went over again this afternoon to watch the very entertaining sheep dog display, the three dogs were herding geese and ducks!

The event was well attended and is on tomorrow as well.

Will finish with some pretty clouds which Tina came up to tell me to take a picture of.


  1. Well it was a bit stressful getting the blog entry on tonight, but worth the effort. Some very good pics.
    I really love the flowers Anya sent you. It’s an unusual bunch. Great colours.
    The fireworks came out really well. They are very difficult to get right, but you seem to have managed it very well. The second and third one are particularly good.
    You found a good vantage point for the carnival pic. Shame you had such a job to get the door open. I’ve never known a house with more jammed and non opening windows and doors!
    The duck herding looked fun. Never seen that before, but those collies are so well trained they could herd just about anything.
    Great sky to finish off the day too. Shame the day didn’t actually finish with that relaxing moment. Damn computers!

  2. This small town has such a great community spirit and everyone turns out to support events.the dogs were good and the chap was funny, had real trouble getting the first ones over the bridge! All in all a great event.
    The flowers and sky make nice ‘bookends’.
