Wednesday 25 July 2018

Hospital trip

I caught the bus into town and allowed time to get to the bank and hav some lunch before making my way to the hospital. There was a police motorbike with lights flashing on th journey in. It pulled the bus over and all the traffic behind. Lots of other police activity too. We sat for a while and then these two very large, escorted by numerous vehicles, lorries rolled by on the other side of the road, and then we were all allowed to continue our journeys.
I had some lunch and then made my way to the hospital. I was early for my appointment and was seen promptly. I was seeing a neurologist to try and get some answers about my numb foot. She wasn’t too happy to start as the referral said I had trouble with both feet. She obviously was not convinced I was telling the truth, even showed me the referral email! Said I wouldn’t have been seen if it had said it was only one foot! She did make lots of notes though and examined me, tested reflexes etc. Basically, although she didn’t say it in so many words, the damage was most likely done by the injection, as I had thought all along. She said that there could be improvement for about eighteen months after the injury, but any damage after that would be permanent. That’s okay, now I know I can stop worrying about it.
Saw this mural on the way back to where I was meeting Tina.

Tina was off this afternoon so she came in to collect me and we went to Beverley Garden Centre. Got a new plant, surprisingly, a funky daisy, will take a picture tomorrow. Also got some craft stuff at their very large craft department. Tina got me a salad chopper, well, a gadget to chop veggies or fruit. It worked on a pepper as I had to try it.


  1. As you say, at least you now have your theory confirmed, so you can just continue as you have been. Sounds like it’s about as “normal” as you’ll get :-)
    At least you got a trip out from it and a lift home, which is always nice. A wander around a craft shop is always good too.
    The salad slicer thingy looks good, but I’m trying to work out how you hold whatever you’re slicing steady while using the knife through the slots.

  2. You don’t have to hold it. I only had a pepper but you can fill the top with salad then just cut through as you thought then you can move it round and cut across the other way. Looked great for fruit salad too.

  3. Good idea. That’s technology for you :-)
