Friday 27 July 2018

Stormy weather

I don,t think I will be trying to see the blood moon tonight, we have had a long journey and it was cloudy. Tina said the moon was bright last night so went out to take a couple of pics.
We had a bit if rain yesterday evening but a full on storm in the night, so Darren won’t need to water the gardens tonight.
Darren and Tina went out this morning to look for a new car for Darren. I went to the post office, bought a new top in one of the local shops and got on with the packing for our trip. 
I had a walk round the garden, I cut a couple of the gourds yesterday and have put them in the greenhouse, there are plenty of fruits now, just need to get the drying right!
Took a picture of the newly planted funky daisy, it seems happy.
I got some salad stuff so I could try my new gadget.
It worked pretty well.

Tina and I set off just before three, went over the bridge at Hull which was a bonus.
A couple of sky shots, we went through some torrential rain and storms.
Got here after eight hot and bothered!


  1. I was going to try and get some pics o& the blood moon tonight, but after all the nice weather we’ve had it decided to rain and be cloudy tonight. Typical!
    I really wish you luck with drying out those gourds. I know how hard you’ve tried in the past without having too much luck. This’ll be the year you get it right, I feel it in my water :-)
    I’ve not seen that bridge for what seems a very long time. You can’t help but like it.
    Hope you have a good weekend.

  2. Looks like I will hav a good crop of gourds so fingers crossed on the drying front. It has been closer today but unite windy.
