Wednesday 1 August 2018

Princess Anne visits Hornsea

I have just lost my post again, easy to hit the wrong key on the iPad and lose the lot. No save button either!
I did put pics of th gardening I did, but they were fairly boring, enough to say I spent another hour or so on the messy bed and have several more to make an impression!
This afternoon I took a walk down to the sea front with the hope that I would catch a glimpse of Princess Anne later when she came to open the National Coastwatch building. It was a clear day and a good view of the distant bay.
The sea was showing different colours in the light, not always easy to catch.
The band were playing over an hour before th Princess was expected, they were very good.
I was standing for well over an hour all told and had very aching legs when I did get moving, but worth th standing around. A lady with a dog was stood next to me and a bit later the princess was talking to the dog.
Saw this kite while we waited.
Then the Royal Standard was raised.
Then Princess Anne appeared briefly, I managed to hang onto my place at the front.
Then it was fifteen minutes before we saw her again.
Then she came across and asked if we were from Hornsea and then looked down at the dog.
Hot and weary by then but glad I went. Walked home and have done a bit of hoeing and watering this evening.


  1. Sorry you lost your work. It’s bloody annoying when that happens :-(
    I like the first pic of the distant bay. I think it’s the red blob in the middle that does it :-)
    You should have taken a fold up stool with you. Or better still you should get one of those shooting sticks that double up as a walking stick. Very useful and would save your legs at times like that. I have to say though that your efforts were well rewarded by some great pics. Worthy of print in the local newspaper I’d say. She doesn’t change much, just a little older like all of us!

  2. I was pleased to get some pics, and in focus. She doesn’t change much as you say, well into her sixties now. I am glad the weather stayed fine for the visit. Not an every day occurrence for sure,
