Monday 9 July 2018

Elusive sunset and gardening

Last night the look of the sky made me think that it was going to be a great sunset so I set off to go to the place where I fell flat on my face last time! Sadly, as it is a while since that incident the sunset is no longer over the mere or visible from the park. The sky was nice but there had been hints of it glowing lower down. A swan went by in the distqnc on the mere.
Some of the sky, I will get successful sunrise or sunset pics at some point!

This morning I went for an early walk and then set to spending over an hour clearing an area where I have been dumping branches, weeds and unwanted bulbs, some were beginning to rot. We wanted the area cleared as the strawberry tea in the vicarage garden is on Saturday. Didn’t take before and after pics of any garden work today so you will have to take my word for it. 
Under the trees the grass is quite long, the rest of the lawn is dead or dying! Rob comes and uses his large petrol mower to do the lawns, but he hasn’t
Been mowing for a while because of the drought. We used to have a hand mower which I thought we had left at the house in Scarborough, I even contemplated buying one at the boot sale yesterday. Good job I didn’t as we hadn’t left it behind, it was in one of the stores. So I put it to use and it did a pretty good of the area under the trees. No picture of the lawn, but one of the mower.
The teapot got broken last night so I went to the Factory Shop to see if I could get a replacement. I did find one and got a decoration for the garden as well, it was half price!
The sunflowers are doing so well, just two more to open now.

A couple of other flowers from the garden, the bell flower was one that I plant e, the lovely lily type flower was already along the side of th house.

How pretty that is before the flowers open as well as when they do.
For some time now I have been putting off getting the small coffee trees out of the pots where they were being deprived of light by the bigger ones. I have had them a long time now and don’t want to end up killing them off.
Managed not to make too much mess and now it is a case of wait and see. 
Been quite a busy day and I have had some twinges in my ankle which isn’t good, it has settled now though. It was hot today but not too sunny so I didn’t
have to water tonight.


  1. Love the sky pic from last night. Well worth the little trip out for them. You used to have loads of sky pics in Scarborough, so nice to see a few tonight.
    Using a hand mower in this weather, specially when you have two younger healthy adults to coerce into doing it, you’re mad :-)
    The flowers all look really colourful, specially the sunflowers. Hope you get lots of seeds from the heads you can use yourself or feed to the birds. The coffee plants are so much bigger than I remember them being. They’ve done really well. I’m sure they’ll be fine and just keep on growing.
    The twinges might be due to excessive mowing! You’re bad :-)

  2. It was a lovely sky, I am sure the actual sunset would have been fabulous.
    The flowers are growing and colourful, but with the garden being so large it still looks sparse.
    Those coffee plants were so tiny when I got them!
