Monday 16 July 2018

Home again and the plants are growing

I didn’t sleep too well, it had been a busy weekend and my knee decided to play up during the night. But I was up and ready for Rachel to drop me off at the station. Catching earlier trains meant that they were both reasonable and not too crowded. The journey went quite smoothly and I was home by one even with the bus journey on the end. I took this picture of a plant on the rails as I waited for the first train. It looks like yellow flowers as well but the dry weather has turned the leaves early.
Had a quiet afternoon but have been down to check and water the garden this evening. The sunflowers are really filling out, lots of sunflower seeds before too long.
The gourd plants are massive, I do hope I get some decent gourds and I dry them successfully. Even the ones round the tree have grown huge and they were in later and quite small plants.

I have a variegated plant in the tubs in the front garden that are just starting to flower. This plant grew in a friends garden in Peterborough and I am so pleased that I still have some.
The sea holly in the front garden are beautiful.

The Scrabble group is coming here tomorrow so best get a good night and feel lively!
Meant to say that the snowdrop bulbs went well at the garden party.


  1. Shame the knee had to give you grief and spoil the end of your weekend. At least you were home at a sensible time though so you had most of the day at home. The sunflowers look great, as do all the other plants in your pics. The gourds have gone triffid by the looks of them :-) Maybe you’ll have more luck drying them out in the greenhouse this time around. Maybe it’ll be a bit slower than indoors.
    Good job you put all that effort into digging up and cleaning all those bulbs, not to mention sourcing bags and packaging them up. It’s a bit more money in the coffers they wouldn’t have had otherwise.

  2. Still some left, that’s good as I had meant to take some down to Angie as they are he favourite flower. There are some gourds forming and they have a couple of months yet, if they grow a the same rate they will be taking over!

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