Saturday 28 July 2018

Down South!

We are staying at De Rougemont Manor near Brentwood, about fifty miles from where we need to be but the journey today was less than an hour each way as it was mainly on the M25. The hotel is fabulous and the breakfast was excellent but it is also very popular for functions so we were above a very loud wedding party last night, and sadly, although we were lead to believe otherwise we have a repeat performance tonight.
We went across to see Brian and Hazel. Brian has been poorly for a while now and was very tired today. We had lunch with Hazel and then went with her into Berkhamsted for a look in some shops and tea and cake. We will see them again tomorrow before we head for home.
There is an outdoor pool here and when we got back earlier we did go in it for a while. Very cold when we first got in but we swam for a bit.
We had a complementary drink in the bar and wandered around the small nature reserve at the rear of the hotel.
I will just post a picture of the impressive building on this post as I really struggled to publish yesterday with a lot of photos. Will post more when I am home.


  1. It does look a lovely place, but the noise spoils it. A good breakfast and a complementary drink help a bit though. Very brave to go into an outdoor pool, even in this hot weather. They always feel damn cold to me.
    Glad you got to see Brian for a while, and a little trip out with Hazel was nice for you all too.
    I hope your trip home tomorrow isn’t as wet as the trip going.

  2. Hopefully the journey home will be good, we had a great run down.
    We are trying to ignore the noise, with much difficulty!
