Thursday 19 July 2018

Walking and scarecrows

This morning I did a bit of sorting as I have let things get a bit out of hand, not being the tidiest person at the best of times. Tina had some letters that needed posting so I got the map out and got thirteen into some sort of order to deliver round an estate on the way to Freeport. It took me th best part of an hour finding the streets, th signage is pretty poor but luckily th locals were helpful. When they were posts I was nqrwe to Freeport than home so decided to go there and have some lunch before heading back. This house was near the entrance.
In the car park there was this great ‘Figaro’ car.
Had some lunch and then walked home seeing a couple of scarecrows on the way.

I had called in at the craft outlet and collected yet more vests and hats for the ‘fish and chip babies’.
I have tried the new pen and am pretty disappointed with it, but maybe the ink will flow better next time I use it.
I was given a picture of the crib service in Caster last Christmas and yesterday I got a frame that will fit it. I have been meaning to since I got it. All framed now.
Got the frame at House of Fraser, on sale as it is closing down.
Have watered this evening as no sign of the storms here!


  1. You’ll put Royal Mail out of business, then Louis will be after you :-)
    That looks ancient house, but then again so does the vicarage. Bet that house has a gardener too. I used to see those cars quite a bit and thought they were very old, but they are in fact new cars built in an old style. I do like them though.
    I notice it says on the scarecrow poster that you can get booklet forms, so is there some sort of competition you can enter by finding them all or something similar?
    You’ve had quite a collection of knit ware so far. I hope the cause they are going to is a long running one as it seems like you’re going to getting regular batches of them.
    Shame the pen didn’t live up to your expectations. You can’t get good penmakers these days! What sort of knib was it?

  2. It is a flexible nib that is supposed to open to make wide down strokes.
    I imagine that the vests and hats will be needed as long as the ladies knit, as there will always be more babies needing something other than newspaper.There is a competition for the best scarecrow display and there is a trail so could well be a prize for that.

  3. Ahh...I see what you mean about the knib. Think I’ve seen something similar before. Clever idea, if it worked. I’m sur3 you master it eventually.
