Wednesday 28 February 2018

Dentist day

It snowed again in the night so it looked much the same as yesterday. It did start to snow again before I went over to the bus stop.

I needed to catch an early bus, about 9.15 am, so before I could use the pass. But, after waiting in the freezing cold for over twenty minutes as it was very late I didn't have to part with any cash after all! My foot that keeps going numb was also very cold by the time I got on the bus, it was quite a while before I got some life back into it. The bus did get to Hull in just over an hour once we were on it, very few pick ups and the main roads were pretty clear. At the bus station I found the bay for the bus that went along Anlaby Road. I wasn't sure where to get off so stopped the bus just after the hospital. The houses where I got off were in the low 200's and I was going to 549!! So a pretty long walk past some enormous houses ensued, luckily the pavements weren't too slippery.
Going over that overpass was distinctly chilly! I got to the dentists with about six minutes to spare. Got seen quite quickly, check up and a bit of plaque removal and another appointment in six months. I caught the bus back into the city centre. Had a pretty horrid toasted sandwich, which was actually warmed soggy bread rather that toasted, but ate it and enjoyed the hot drink as it was gone midday and I had left home just after 9 am. A few city pics.

I wanted to get to the fountain, I had seen it from the bus on the way in, as it was a bit frosted up. Also took a flower bed just by it.

I thought the statue commemorating the men lost in the African war was stunning against the sky.
I got the bus back to Hornsea, and snuggle with a blanket and a hot drink when I got home. Since then I have sorted out the embroidery threads and will make an attempt at the chair back, I can always use artistic license.

Had tea with Darren and Tina from the pizza place which made a nice change.
Holby and Shetland this evening so that's me sorted.


  1. Sounds like an epic adventure today, specially in weather as bad as it is. But you made it there in the end, although it sounds like you had a bit more exercise than you’d bargained for. At least the weather should be a little better in six months time, but you never know. Spring supposedly starts tomorrow and we’re all knee deep in snow!
    Considering what a rubbish weather day it was, you managed to find some good pics. I particularly like the statue. Nice sky behind it too.
    The soggy toasted sandwich didn’t sound very appetising. You should have stuck to cake, at least you can see what you’re getting before you pay for it!
    Artistic license is good when you attempt it, not so good if someone like me does though :-)

  2. Didn't turn out so bad in the end, I would have spent a bit longer in Hull if the weather had been a little better. Pretty dramatic statue and not sure I have seen one remembering the fallen from that particular conflict.
