Tuesday 6 February 2018

Just a touch of snow

A slight covering of snow this morning, it brightened up and cleared during the day but it has been snowing again this afternoon, pretty cold too.

Yesterday I thought I would knit another hat. I didn't get the pattern right, was losing stitches, but will try again as I would like to make it. One problem on the horizon, and surprisingly not Blue, but Charlie who wants to play!!

I walked up to the floral hall, luckily the pavements were clear so it wasn't a slippery walk. I was going to the monthly U3A meeting as I have paid my membership and was going to collect my card and meet some more people. Doreen, who's house I went to for the Scrabble group spotted me and we sat together, she also introduced me to a few people. There was an interesting speaker and we had tea and biscuits, so a pleasant couple of hours. I walked home but Doreen will collect me next week to go to the craft group. They needed a venue for the April meeting, I checked with Tina and they are going to come here.
It was quite bright when I walked along the seafront on the way home.
I had lunch when I got home. The cats have started going into the back garden more now, there is a lot of bird activity but so far they haven't caught any. Here they are getting ready for some action!
I had spotted some Bellis daisies on my way home but was going to get some food shopping so thought I would call back and get some later. Tina had two meetings in the house today and came for a walk through the town with me, even though by that time it was snowing. They only had two of the daisies left, I hope to get them planted tomorrow. We had a deluxe hot chocolate, very decadent and then called in at the factory shop. We got this peacock to go on the lawn, a lady told us she had one and needed to stake it as the wind was blowing it over. They didn't have ordinary stakes so we got a couple of pretty butterfly garden decorations on rods that will do the job nicely. Another job for tomorrow afternoon as I am in the charity shop in the morning.
Holby tonight, love the cheerful programs!


  1. It been a pleasant day here, lots of sunshine, but a bit chilly. I was expecting snow this week, but so for it’s been nice...ish. The greenhouse makes a colourful little dot in the back garden. Bet you didn’t chide the cat too much for playing with the wool, you like playing as much as he does :-)
    Glad your morning went well. Sounds a nice group of people, so you should all get on well. A bit of baking to do for the April meeting then.
    I like the pheasant, and it seems Blue does too. It’ll make another nice bit of colour on the back lawn, assuming you stake it down well and it doesn’t fly off!

  2. Quite a good day and hopefully it will be okay in the charity shop tomorrow.
    When Charlie showed interest in the wool I went and got a spare ball so that he could play without affecting what I was trying to knit! Need to go back through the blog as I am sure it must be three weeks now since I took my pictures in to be framed.
