Saturday 24 February 2018

Chill by the sea, but beautiful

This morning seemed like time to get the Gtec out and get hoovering. It sure gets a good workout here! I use the hand held on the stairs.
A cold day but lovely and bright so thought I would go out for a walk back to the beach. Darren had said that there was a table top sale in the town hall so I called in on the way by. There was a lady who had masses of really old embroidery transfers, fascinating, she said some were out of magazines that were older than me! I bought this old fashioned garden scene as I intend to embroider it and make it into a chair back for my rocking chair.
It looks like it will still iron on okay, won't know until I try though.
I walked along the promenade rather than the beach today, it didn't seem too bad, when I turned back I realised that I was walking with the wind on the outward journey!

The sea was loud and foamy today. A couple more shots from the cliff top, it eventually fell away so that if I want to walk further I will need to take to the beach.

When I got home the curtain lady was here hanging the curtains in the dining room A close up of the material, and I will add one of the curtains, but it is bad, I tried with and without flash but to no avail, so have had to lighten it. We have been told to leave them to settle for a couple of days.
Casualty in a bit, Darren and I will probably go to the market tomorrow.


  1. Blimey, that’ll take a lot of embroidery. Anyone would think you’ve got lots of spare time with nothing to do! You’ll never get bored.
    The sea does look a bit rough, so you can tell it’s a bit blowy. Nothing worse than head wind on the way back either. I think that’ll get photographed a lot, specially when the weather gets a bit better.
    The curtain material looks nice. Not as heavy as I’d expected, which is probably a good thing as it’d be a lot of weight.
    Hope it stays fine for the market tomorrow. Really should try to get to WS myself.

  2. It is quite linear, the embroidery, I don't intend to block it in, so it shouldn't be too bad if the pattern transfers okay. The chill in the wind caught me by surprise a bit on the way back.
    The curtain material seems a good choice, Tina likes it which is good as the lady and I picked it.
