Thursday 1 March 2018

Freezing wind!

Not a great deal to report today, bitterly cold and just the sound of the wind is scary. A builder came to fit the last spindles on the stare case, that has been a long saga, but no gaps any more. Tina had been going to visit family 'down south' today but as there were road closures and drifting snow she has postponed it, may try tomorrow if things seem calmer. I got a book of logic puzzles the other day, I am notoriously bad at them but do manage to persevere and finish one occasionally now. I sat with them while Tina sorted a few jobs in the office. 
We needed some shopping and Darren needed a new heater for the garage so we decided to go out together and do a few chores. Actually offered Tina one of my hats and she accepted, which just proves how bitterly cold it was today! There had to be a selfie......
Although we were only out a short time we had a hot chocolate drink in the chocolate cafe. We were good and picked free chocolates after that Darren would enjoy.
Shopping done, new heaters in place and a cuppa made. Tna settled down to some catch up tv and I had some quiz shows on and did a bit of embroidery. It is making my thumb joints ache a bit so will be a slow work in progress I think.
I am having to keep the transfer handy and draw bits on at a time so that I can make it roughly the same.
May sort out a film or watch some Two Ronnies this evening, and maybe a little more embroidery. Itt has been a bit chilly in my little sitting room but Darren has put his new convector heating in there for me for now.


  1. You look a right pair in those hats :-) But if they helped you to stay warm on the arduous journey to the chocolate cafe, then that’s all that matters. I bet it was worth the trip out just for that.
    Glad you’ve got some extra heat up there now. It’s a big old house to heat up and keep warm. I’m dreading my gas bill, but yours will make mine pale into insignificance I should think. Electric bill too I don’t doubt. What you need is a smart metre :-) That’s an in joke for anyone else that’s reading.
    Enjoy your evening, and stay warm.

  2. Don't you need to be smart to understand a smart metre??
    The lady in the coop really liked the hats!
    I had white chocolate and Tina a dark chocolate mocha, very tasty indeed!

  3. Not really, the idea is they’re smart for you. Anyone can press buttons :-)
    The chocolate sounds nice. May have to try one....or two when I’m next up there.

  4. I'm sure a smart metre would frighten us to death, as you said, a big house to try to keep warm.
