Friday 2 February 2018

Wet walk

This morning I did some household chores and was going to go to the beach at low tide to see if it went out far enough for me to get by the breakers, but by that time it was raining heavily so decided to try that another day. Went out and took a picture of Stephen's boarding of the gateway yesterday, he had boarded the far side and was coming back to board inside today.
I walked round to check if anything was happening in the greenhouse, I think a sweet pea may be about to break the surface! Saw this leaf lying on the grass.
About 12.30 pm I thought I would take a walk to the Freeport, starting off along the road and then picking up the trail for the last bit. Took a picture of the cleared, but not weeded or levelled properly, front bed that has taken such a lot of time.
Took another picture of the gate gap before I left.
The little dears will be keen if they come through now!
As I set off it began to rain again and I had my allegedly shower proof coat on. It isn't, and I was pretty wet by the time I got there. I did go on the roads to start and then Got to Polly's Path, cute name, there must be some history to that, and it goes along next to the cemetery.

Had to paddle a bit to get to the shops!

I joined the final part of the trail coming back and by then it was a lovely afternoon.

I went down these steps as I had been told you could get to the town centre from there and didn't have to go right back to the sea front. But again there was no signage so had to ask a dog walker if I was going the right way. I am not convinced it was any quicker than going back to the start of the trail.
Went past this fabulous bush though which was stunning in the sunlight.
I bought a pair of Sketchers shoes at the Pavers store, have worn them  indoors and they seem to be okay, have sprayed them with protector now.
I bought some more of the leather heal insoles as they do seem to be helping.
This afternoon, while it was still daylight, I painted the draft for the tiles I want to do for the fireplace. The surface was shiny so the watercolour didn't go on too well, but it gives an idea. The colours, especially the background are not quite right so I will try and get a better match when I mix the glazes.

Off to make a cuppa now.......


  1. The gate looks a bit more secure now, it should keep the oiks out!
    Looks a bit of a wet old day, well part of it anyway. Think you might have to invest in a good pair of wellies if the puddles build up that quick. Does look a nice walk though, and very picturesque too. I’m betting that Polly is somewhere in that graveyard.
    From a miserable old day to what could be mistaken for summer. The bush looks lovely and so colourful too. The steps don’t look so inviting though, a lot of them and I bet they’re treacherous with a bit of ice or snow on them! Definitely wellies with some good grippy soles :-)
    The design for the tiles looks really good, and I bet you’ll enjoy painting them. Can’t wait to see the finished results.

  2. It was a day of two halves, grey, cold, wet and miserable but really quite pleasant in the sunshine this afternoon. When it rains the place does puddle up very quickly, I suppose being relatively flat and by the sea doesn't help.
    Have to admit that I was very glad there was a rail by those steps.
    I am looking forward to attempting the tiles, hopefully Donna will remember to bring them across for me.

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