Wednesday 14 February 2018

The germs found me!

Not a lot to say today, I did go to the charity shop this morning although I had started to develop a cough and wasn't feeling 100% I had the first hour manning the till which I enjoyed and then was marking up book and cd's and getting clothing hung up ready for steaming, but no steaming for me today. The managers are aware that I have picked up using the till quickly so suggested that I change my shift for one where they don't have a volunteer on the till. So I am changing to Friday mornings, and cough permitting I will do this Friday as an extra as the manager will be in on her own. 
Years ago I use to read all of Helen Forrester's books and would be waiting for the next one to be published. Don't often see her books anywhere these days but found a couple at the charity shop. I may have read the Liverpool one, but won't remember it and I never read one by her from India. So, although I don't read a lot these days I think I will enjoy these.
I took the camera out with me today, but didn't take any pictures, I did some shopping when I left the charity shop and came straight home. I am coughing well now and that makes me choke, also getting a headache and a bit of a runny nose. I have done really well this winter, but Tina has been  really poorly this week and now it looks like it is my turn!
I did take a picture yesterday that I forgot to post, the crocuses are coming up that I planted in the tubs out the front soon after we arrived.
All five tubs have them opening so that is good to see.
Short entry today, I will try and stay awake for the final part of Trauma, I caught up with Shetland this afternoon.


  1. Well you definitely must be ill if you’ve not taken any pictures. But technically you have, because you photographed the books. I would say you’ll make up for it tomorrow, but if you’re feeling unwell then you should stay in the warm and recoup erase a bit. You don’t want to be spreading your germs on Monday!
    The tub looks very colourful. But that garden is going to take a lot of colour to fill it up :-)
    Enjoy your program, preferably with feet up, hot drink and definitely chocolate!

    1. Program finished, I really enjoyed it.
      Have a stinking headache now so will be in bed before long and hopefully won't spent too much of the night coughing!
