Sunday 18 February 2018

Big thank you Isobel.

The guest room worked well for Anya and Isobel, the airbed fitted in nicely and it was cosy and they said comfortable. We had breakfast and then got sorted to go to the leisure centre as they wanted to try out the pool. Obviously I didn't go in today but walked down with them. Before that I got some feedback on my sketches which was lovely, Anya thought it was good that I had sorted them out to be framed and her favourite is the one of the garden tools. They were in the pool for about an hour and had a great time, it really is a nice pool. Isobel as we were leaving.
We walked up to the start of the Trans Pennine Way and then walked a little way along it to the steps where you can get back into the town centre.

We walked back to the vicarage and then took a drive to Mr Moo's for lunch. Anya and I had sandwiches and Isobel a sausage roll, and then much discussion about dessert. Isobel had brought money with her and was keen to buy dessert, so a bit thank you again Isobel. She had a Mini Moo, that comes in a mug that you can then keep, Anya and I shared a fudge dessert, they were good!!

You could go and look at the cows, but the barn was very dark and this was the best I could get with the little camera, tried no flash and flash!
The packed up and set off when we got back, Darren is still quite poorly and I am not 'right' yet. I finished off the mirror and mosaic so that they will be ready to go on the wall this week.

The girls are safely home and I am about to watch Endeavour.


  1. A good time had by all then. It was lovely of Isobel to treat you to a dessert, and it looks as though it was a rather large one too! Delicious I bet.
    The mirror looks very good. You made a good job of cleaning any paint off the glass. Hope it was easier than it sounds. It’ll be nice to get them both hanging and out your way.

  2. It will be good to see the back of them, so to speak.I hope they aren't too much of a pain to fix on the wall.
    It was sweet of Isobel to want to get dessert, she will be pleased to have a star mention on the blog.
