Wednesday 7 February 2018

Got to the mere at last

The sunset by the sea must have been great today, looking out of the front window the sky looked good behind the building.
Before I went to the charity shop I took the peacock and butterfly garden ornaments out and put them on the lawn. They do look quite good from a distance too, you almost lose the butterflies then, just got them to support the peacock as a lady told us hers keeps blowing over!

The charity shop session wasn't too bad, I did some steaming to start with and then some pricing but also got to use the till for a while and talk to the customers. Tina came in as I was finishing and we went out to have lunch together as she was out at meetings all evening. We wanted to call in at the town hall afterwards but we had ten minutes to kill as it was closed for lunch. We walked down to the memorial garden, Tina hadn't been inside it and there is going to be a service there soon so she wanted to check it out. This tree was on a mound and caught out eye, we are odd like that and love trees, bark and everything about them really!
We went into the town hall as we want to establish the ownership of the piece of land behind our walled garden, and also to inform them that it is a perfect little area for people to hide and get into mischief. By the time we had walked back I was quite achy so had a sit down for a bit and then thought I would go and see if the mere was open today. I called in at the picture framing place on the way as it is three weeks ago that I put my sketches in to be framed. He was actually working on them and they were out on the side, so they may be ready tomorrow.
The mere was open but I was a bit concerned that I may get locked inside! I talked to a man in a workshop and he said I had about half an hour. I had taken a pen and sketchbook so apart from some photos I did a quick sketch as well.
That was a bit of a perspective challenge, not drawn boats that often. I had to leave before actual sunset, but it was a lovely scene this afternoon.

Not planning on doing much else this evening, may watch an episode or two of The Two Ronnies.


  1. That building makes a very nice foreground for sunsets. I bet that’ll show up here again.
    From a distance you’d have to do a double take to see if the peacock was real or not. I looks really good. Wonder what the cats will make of it.
    Some great pics tonight. The funky tree against the blue sky really stands out. The sky shots are cracking as usual. You definitely have an eye for them.
    Quite a busy day from the sounds of it. But you still found time to knock a quick sketch! It’s a great drawing, I really like it. Two or three similar ones framed and on the wall would look good, although you might want to find a another framer :-)

  2. I think the peacock is very attractive, easy to remove when the lawns are ready to be moved. Not sure the cats have checked it out yet.
    Was nice to get some decent sky shots in, I miss taking loads of them.
    Glad you like the drawing, I was pleased with it as I just took a pen.
