Monday 12 February 2018

A trip to Hull

A lot of the time, in certain light, I get very annoying blurry bits in the middle of my photos, most of the time it is fine but it is still frustrating. A while ago I bought some garden ornaments, the first on being a rabbit. It got knocked down and ended up with a broken leg before it was on show. I got around to mending it at the weekend but am not sure how well it will manage outside so have it in my sitting room at the moment. Charlie was next to it on the window seat today, this is the least blurry picture!
Tina and I were ready for the new washing machine to arrive this morning and after a bit of struggling got the transit bolts out and the machine in place. The delivery took the old one away which was good.
I wanted to go to Debenhams so caught the bus into Hull. An hour and a half trip in so I went upstairs on the bus to see the scenery better. Tried taking a couple of pictures but the bus was moving pretty fast and the windows were pretty dirty!

Both of the mere which seemed to go on for miles. I had a bit of lunch and got what I wanted in Debenhams, then had a wander through the city, seemed silly not to spend a bit of time there with such long bus journeys either side. Some Hull City buildings, I do really like Hull, a fabulous city.

I went past the fountain and into the park area, lovely day today, just a chilly wind.

I had looked in the Yorkshire Linen Company on the way to the fountain and noticed a mattress topper. I don't sleep well and have wondered if the mattress is too firm for my joints, so worth trying this low priced one, if successful I will think about investing in a better one.

I walked back to the bus station and it was a single decker bus for the journey and took just over an hour as it went of a slightly different route.
Have used the washing machine this evening, although we did have trouble selecting the program we wanted, seems to be a problem with the knob! I made some soup yesterday and had that for my tea, very tasty too.
May try the new three part drama called Trauma tonight as I really like the two main actors.


  1. You could have grease spot on your lens. Try cleaning it gently with a glasses wipe. It could also be dust on the sensor or in the actual lens, both of which you can’t do much about. Annoying though. But you seem to manage to get some good pic anyway :-) My favourite tonight is the ninth one. Really like that.
    A nice little trip out, but a bit boring being on a bus that long. A nice lunch and hopefully a creamy drink always helps though. Hope the mattress topper helps you sleep, it’ll make the trip well worth while if it does.

  2. Fingers crossed it helps, should be comfy anyway as it is nice and soft.
    Might be time to get another instant camera, mine does get more use than most!!
    Hull is a nice city, I am going again in a couple of weeks to see a new dentist.

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