Monday 19 February 2018

Busy helpers

Today Brian and Mike have come up to do some of our outstanding jobs around the house. As the toilets were still blocked they spent a long time on a job that wasn't on the list!
Really an unpleasant job, Stephen had fetched his rods round and between the three of them we now have working loos again.
We also have a back door lock which works properly, they have sorted my greenhouse door and moved a plastic storage unit over next to the greenhouse.
The mosaic and the mirror are now up in the walled garden and the stake for the rotary air drier is in place.

My fancy hanging baskets are also up. will take a picture of them tomorrow. Then they spent a while in the church with Tina getting a couple of jobs done in there.
Brian fancied fish and chips for tea, the restaurants were closed so we ended up having our fish and chips on a bench near the sea.
The guys will be doing indoor jobs for us tomorrow, a reasonable list of bits to do. But a fabulous start today.


  1. I like how Brian was posing on the bottom of the ladder.
    Been a nice day. Luckily the rain held out enough to get the outside bits sorted. It’ll be warmer doing stuff inside tomorrow, and hopefully not quite so messy.
    I’ve never slept in a vicarage before, so hopefully it’ll be conducive to a good nights sleep :-)

  2. I hope you enjoyed sleeping at the vicarage. Lots more jobs accomplished today, thank you both.
