Thursday 1 February 2018

Never ending story!!

As I was pottering and putting washing on this morning I spotted the setting super moon, didn't go outside but the photo isn't bad through the window.
I did go outside to check the damage to the outhouse. Also to check the gate was still blocked.

When Tina came in from church we started to get ready to go out and do some work in the garden, Tina was going to carry on clearing and marking the drive and I was going to have a third attempt to clear the bed at the front of the house.
The tubers from the iris plants were massive and all grown between the roots of the shrubs, so I was soon struggling again, such a lot of tubers.
The tree.shrub roots defeated me again, Tina did come and try as she is younger, taller and has more strength, but they stayed resolutely put.
Meanwhile Stephen had arrived to fix the broken gate and he said he would bring a spade and remove it for me. While he was away getting the stuff to do the gate I continued and at least cleared round the roots to see what the challenge was.
Then, Stephen to the rescue!
Out at last!
Way down there were bricks, but we didn't investigate further.
I tried to level the bed off then, but still hit random bricks and struggled to get the roots away from the wall. Digging it over and weeding properly will have to wait for yet another session. Even forgot to take a picture of it sort of clear. Then I went and collect the bits of grass and rake the stones while Tina continued with the centre of the drive.
We were ready to stop and went out to get some lunch, Stephen was getting on with the gate and was happy enough for us to head off out.
We are fairly sure the small pocket of land behind the gate used to belong to the vicarage, probably still does, we will try and find out.
Tina and I went to Cherry Lane garden centre near Beverley. We had been discussing what edging to put on the beds at the front of the house and also round the lawn and thought the wooden edging like half logs would be the one to go for, rather that plastic. The first thing we saw on arriving at the garden centre was the very edging at 99p a strip! There are now 60 in our porch!
We had Pork Stroganoff for our meal, just had to take a picture, rarely do that when I am out but it was pretty impressive.
Bought a great bag, not that I am short of bags, but Tina spotted it and it just seemed appropriate!
I got some wooden stuff to decorate in case I run out of things to do!
No plans but to vegetate this evening, Death in Paradise later.


  1. Well you certainly saw more of that moon than I did. Hopefully I’ll catch it another time.
    They certainly did a lot of damage to the gate and the wall. Was that little outhouse locked? Looks like they tried to smash in through the wall with the boulder that is laying there. Oiks!
    You’ve both been hard at it again in the garden, so the lunch and shopping was well deserved. One day the garden will be finished and you’ll be lost for things to do.

  2. I am not sure that the garden will ever be finished, but hopefully id will be keeping it nice and not trying to prepare it ready for planting.
    The stable door wasn't locked, but perhaps they thought it was to start with, the lady at the diocese has said that we can get it repaired,so Stephen is going to do it.
    Tina and I should both sleep okay tonight and ache tomorrow!!
