Saturday 17 February 2018

Surprise visitors.

I was up and showered quite early as we had a guy coming to start on repairing the damaged outhouse wall. He didn't turn up so could have had a lie in like Darren, but never mind, because it was for the good as it turned out. The sky was good from my sitting room window.
Anya sent a text asking if I was up for unexpected visitors. I phoned her to tell her we had all been unwell but after thinking it over she said that she and Isobel would chance it. So I got some shopping, pumped up the lilo bed and made up the guest room so all was sorted when they arrived. We had a bit of lunch at the chocolate cafe over the road, then walked through the town, the bearded dog caught out eyes.
Anya wanted to see the charity shop I am working at so we had a good browse, Anya got some books and bought the Roxane dvd for us to watch later. Great film, neither of us have seen it for ages.
Then we made out way to the sea.

And of course onto the beach.

Plus a bit of daring the waves!!
It started to brighten up then as it had been damp early on and they a bit grey and colourless.
We walked along to the Floral Hall so that Anya knows where I am talking about and then we came back a different way so that Isobel got to see the play park. It was muddy, but fun!

A final funky one of the flooded area as we began to walk home.
We made out way back, I cooked dinner and then we have watched Roxane and Shetland on catch up as Anya hadn't seen it.
Good job I decided to do the blog as the gate was still open from this morning when I was expecting the guy to arrive. So all locked and secure now! I have been sneezy and coughing a bit but haven't got too close to Isobel, well not near her face anyway and I have had tissues at the ready. Darren is still not very well, but getting a little better I think. They will head back to Peterborough after lunch tomorrow.


  1. Love the first pic, really nice. The last one is great too.
    Really pleased to hear you had a nice time today with your unexpected guests. It made up for the less than wonderful time you had yesterday. Isobel really does like the sea, and the mud too :-)
    Hope the weather is good tomorrow so you can all have another walk if you fancy it.

  2. It was a lovely and very different day to the one I had imagined. It is strange how children seem to be oblivious of the cold once they got onto a beach and near the sea. Hopefully another enjoyable few hours to come.

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