Thursday 8 February 2018

Antique drawings come home!

The morning sum from the my sitting room again, and the fabulous tree out the back from my shower room window. Bright days here are a pleasure to see in the morning.

Tina and I set off a bit before 9.30 am, she had glasses to collect in Hull and then we were going to go to B & Q to get new taps and shelves and other bits for repairs in the house. We were at the temporary traffic lights near Sigglesthorne garden centre, about to pull away, when a bump and loud bang as the van behind drove into us! There was a bus stop so we pulled in and the next twenty minutes were spent with Tina exchanging details and taking pictures etc. The bumper panel is cracked on the car, but no obvious other damage and we are both okay, if a little shaken!
We then made our way to Hull, Tina managed to park pretty close to the opticians and then we had a drink and bacon sandwich in a little cafe next door. We hadn't a lot of time as Tina was taking a service at a care home in the afternoon so we went straight to B & Q, Got what we needed and a bit more besides!
My knee had been sore last night and had been twinging a bit today but I put a support on and took a walk up to Freeport. The man from the picture framing place phoned as I was leaving to say my sketches were ready for collection, so told him I would collect them on my way home.
I thought the engraving on this bench was lovely, the carnival committee do a lot of fund raising and we are told the carnival is brilliant. But this bench is near the cemetery so they obviously support other things as well.
Some trees and skies as I approached the shopping outlet.

I got some bits in the craft outlet and bought some trousers in the sale at EWM, had a drink, bought some liver for my tea and set off for home. It is pretty coming back along Polly's Path.

Liked the look of this shrub.
The walk home was very slow and I was aching and feeling tired. Called in to collect my pictures. They were heavy now they are framed so glad I hadn't go too far to go with them! I had hoped I would feel like getting them up tonight, but I really don't. Tomorrow isn't looking too hopeful either as I need to go to the doctors in the morning, have scones to make for the coffee morning on Saturday and I also have plants that really need to be put in the garden! The framing is simple and I am sure some people will wonder what possessed me to get these sketches framed, but I did the pencil drawings over fifty years ago and am actually rather proud of them and the watercolour was done in Peterborough, I do know someone who would have that one off me in a flash......


  1. I think I prefer that foreground to the aerial in Scarborough.
    Nothing worse than getting shunted from a man in a van! As long as you are both ok, that’s the main thing. The car will mend easier than you two would, and you can’t afford any more dodgy joints anyway :-)
    Some really great sky pics again. They’re definitely your forte. I love the one that’s just under the two tree pics. Even the cars in the foreground seem to work for it. Also the one below it is really good.
    When I first looked at the Polly’s Path pics it looked like a stream!
    The drawings were well worth having framed. I would say antiques of the future, but most of them are already antiques anyway. Hope you’ve got a bit of spare wall space for them.

  2. I should have the pictures up on the wall by the time you come up with Brian to do our odd jobs. I do have space in the bedroom .
    I do like the changing skies and as you know always have the camera at the ready, well, almost always.
    No ill effects from the shunt, so all is well.
