Sunday 11 February 2018

Hat and gardening

This morning Darren and I went to Skirlington market, the boot sale was open as well but only about ten people had braved the weather! It was a bitterly cold wind. We enjoyed a wander round and had a sandwich and cup of tea.
When we got home I finished knitting the hat before donning it to go out and do some work in the garden.

This was the bed I decided to get tidied up, I did actually take pictures of two but that turned out to be wildly optimistic.
Looking across the back garden I noticed that we now have a lot of snowdrops appearing there, so now Tina would like the garden to be in good shape so that people can come in for a snowdrop walk next year!
The bed turned out to be another challenge and three hours later I hadn't achieved nearly what I had hoped. A final picture of today's effort in a bit. The problem was that the bed is full of couch grass, add that to the tree roots and the compacted bulbs and you get the picture. Each turning of the fork produced many roots and some were so compacted and fixed round the tree roots that it made them hard to dislodge.

Darren brought me a cup of tea so I sat in the greenhouse which was nice.
Blue thought that was a good idea too.
I disturbed loads of worms who probably hadn't seen daylight in years, this was a bit one.
So, now for the 'after' picture!
Tina got some fruits bushes a while ago, I put them in this bed for now, not where I had intended but they needed unpacking really.
The sweet peas are popping through, quite exciting to have something actually growing in the greenhouse.
Watched a bit of tv when I came in and then got dinner. Have had a bath and will settle down for Endeavour in a bit.


  1. I didn’t brave the cold to go car booting, and it doesn’t sound as if I was alone in that. I’ll wait until I think there’ll be enough stall to make it worthwhile looking.
    The hat is extremely colourful, and perfect for you. No flowers on this one though, or even a bobble.
    That garden is a total nightmare. Nothing seems easy in it. I hope it does actually get easier after it’s all been done once. But to finish the “once” will take a fair bit longer I think!
    Think the best bit of gardening is the sitting in the greenhouse with a cuppa. Nice pic by the way. The after pics do look a lot better than the before, so a job well done.

  2. I think the garden will be a bit like painting the Humber Bridge, a never ending story! As the weather improves I can try and get an hour out there each day. We have had a lot of rain which isn't great when you are digging, I was carrying a load of extra weight on my shoes today!!
    I do like the hat, the ball of wool was just calling out to me!
