Sunday 4 February 2018

Green eyed Blue.

On sunny mornings the early sun makes the bare trees at the back of the house look quite golden, it doesn't last long but it a lovely sight first thing.

I walked down to the seafront quite early as I was expecting a friend to visit at some point later in the day and I wanted to keep the increased walking up while I am in the mood. Too some pictures, not quite straight some of them as I was taking into the sun and couldn't see a thing!

Sadly my friend couldn't come over after all as she is unwell, it also means I won't be painting my tiles just yet as she was fetching them for me. Tina and I had some of the roast vegetable cottage pie for dinner, which we both enjoyed, and then we moved the cat tower for the hallway to the living room by the french windows. They haven't used it a lot and they like looking out of the window in the living room, so hopefully this will encourage them
I sat in the dining room for a while and noticed how green Blue's eyes looked in the bright sunlight.

I took some more flooring out to the greenhouse this afternoon and have most of the ground covered now. I also planted up a few more seeds and the first two sweet peas are shooting, so that is exciting, you will need to look closely to see them!
The gate is well blocked now so all is well in the garden.


  1. Those trees do look good in that light. They’ll look even nicer when they’re green and luscious. I can see that window will be like a canvas that captures the different seasons.
    Quite like some of those beach pics. The reflections are really good, and it makes a change to see a crooked horizon in one of your pics. You’re usually pretty good at getting them level which puts me to shame!
    First sirens of growth in the greenhouse. Does that mean it’s officially christened now?

  2. Definitely officially christened now!
    Have already seen snow and winter trees so yes, that landing window will show the different seasons a treat.
    Getting colder this week by all accounts so doubt there will be much further action in the greenhouse. Will try and do a bit in the garden tomorrow though.

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