Saturday 3 February 2018

Beach walk at low(ish) tide!

I did a bit of ironing a pottering before going out to see if I could get along some of the beach at low tide, the breakers and different levels mean it is not automatic to be able to get a good walk along. There are signs to say don't climb on the groynes, but more nimble people do! I tried to check low tide times but several sites had it at different times, so it wasn't a lot of help! Anyway, although it was grey and a bit drizzly again I set off, ever hopeful! Went onto the beach down these steps.
This breaker was very short, so got round that okay, and another one was just damp so got round it further out. Some have gaps with not too big a drop the other side.
Looking  back, looks a bit different when you are actually on the beach.
Little and Large made me smile!
Almost stopped here as these large boulders were pretty slippy, but did continue carefully.
Went past a boat launching ramp.
I liked the patterns made by the tide and the varying sand colour.
Had to turn back when I reached this barrier as it was a steep drop!
Made my way back along, came off a bit before the steps I came onto the beach, this was the view as I got back to the promenade.
I saw some more of the artwork, I read the sign and there had been a competition in 2014, so they have been up a while and not vandalised as far as I can tell.

I came back through the memorial garden.
I had been out for about an hour and a quarter, so still managing to get some walking done, will get fitter yet! Had some lunch and then went with Tina to get a bit shop as we haven't been for a while. I made dinner and made a roasted vegetable cottage pie for tomorrow as I have a friend coming over for a while tomorrow and not sure exactly when. Darren is away as a vegetable cottage pie would not have gone down well with him. I also made some bread rolls, got fresh yeast at the supermarket. They look good and they were actually some of the best rolls I have ever made.
I am hoping the weather may cheer up a bit tomorrow, fingers crossed.


  1. You did well today. Lots done and a good walk too. It’s always nicer walking on the beach. I think it’s all the negative ions from the sea that make you feel better. From the pics it looks as though you made it a fair way. Can’t say I blame you for not trying the drop off the last breaker! I’m amazed that artwork hadn’t been added too since it’s been up. They’d be perfect for an oik with a spray can!
    Bet the house smelt good today with the cooking and specially the baking. The rolls look great. Can just make out a pattern on top of them. Bet they taste as good as they look too :-)

  2. It does seem to have been a busy day, it is good to walk on the beach, just the sound of the sea makes you feel better, you can hear it before you see it as you approach the steps.
    The house did smell good and the rolls really are lovely.
