Friday 9 February 2018

Quite a bake in!

Had to go to the doctors today and use the machine to take my own blood pressure. Looks like it is still high but I feel okay and am seeing the doctor again on Tuesday. I had left one of the hats I knitted there on Monday and luckily it was handed in so I got it back. I walked up to the sea front from there, shame not to when I am out and about. Took a picture of a tree and sky on the way, then quite a few on the front, will limit it to five here though. Lot of fishermen out today, think there must have been a competition on.

I had promised to make scones for a coffee morning tomorrow so went into the shop to make sure I had enough ingredients, and cream as they want a dozen with jam and cream to offer as refreshments. The others will be sold on the cake stall. The second hand shop was open as I passed and he wanted £10 for the large plant pot that I have had my eye on. I bought it, and as I had shopping to carry he fetched the pot home for me. It is big, and perfect for my wooden jardiniere.
Once indoors I thought I would make some more rolls as I had fresh yeast left and got on with making scones.
As I was then on a roll, excuse the pun, I made two sponges, one Victoria and one chocolate. Will let Darren decide which one he would like and then donate the other one to the coffee morning.
The chaos in the kitchen is hard to describe, so quite a while clearing up when I had finished cooking.
The big thing for me this week, well, for three weeks really, is getting my old sketches framed, I have been really looking forward to getting them back and was disappointed that I didn't get to hang them yesterday. They are up now and I am really chuffed that I got them done, wish I could share better pictures of them with you, but you get the idea.

We had had a few plants hanging about for a while, in fact two 'rescued' little Christmas trees have been lying around in the garden for weeks! So thought I had better get out and plant that flower bed that I have enjoyed getting ready so much!
Near the water tap was this shrub, with its solitary berry.
I went to check the greenhouse and took a picture of the fabulous tree outside, rather than through a window.
Reasonably busy day. I have started knitting another hat so will do a bit to that, and I forgot to watch Death in Paradise last night so will watch it on catch up this evening.


  1. Well a pretty good day from the sounds of it, and a productive one too. Some good pics again tonight. The beach shots with that gorgeous sky are great.
    The new plant pot and the picture frames fit in really nice with you decor. The drawings were well worth having framed and look really nice now you’ve got them up. I look forward to admiring them in person before too long.
    The results from the baking are making my mouth water! So nice to have a big kitchen and an oven that works. And to think that at one point not so long ago you were going to give up baking forever! I’m sure Darren and Tina are more than happy to keep sampling stuff you make. You have to have plenty of cakes in a vicarage anyway, I think it’s the law.
    Once those Christmas trees grow a bit you can have some outdoor Christmas illuminations :-)

    1. Quite a full day, and as you say productive as well. I thought the sky was fantastic this morning, doesn't have to be sunrise or sunset, clouds can be so dramatic.
      It is good to have room to create chaos in the kitchen and even better if the results are okay.
      Those little trees will be slow growers but hopefully they will survive after being left to their own devices for so long!
