Monday 26 February 2018

Arctic wind but not much snow yet.

A very cold snap has arrived, but so far today's snow hasn't arrived, we did have a flurry earlier. Tina was off to a care home on the front this morning so I had a lift and had a bracing walk by the sea, boy was that wind cold! A grey sea.

The starlings and seagulls had decided that the grass was better than the beach for lunch today!
Managed to get a glimpse of one of the wind farms.
Then walked back in the opposite direction to the Floral Hall for refreshment.
I took a slow walk home, calling in on a couple of shops en route.
I did shorten a couple of pairs of trousers this afternoon, but other than that I have been reading the Eleanor Oliphant book, which I am finding hard to put down!
Will probably watch Strike on catch up tonight.


  1. It does look decidedly cold on the front, but bracing as they say.
    Judging by the waves coming in on the beach, I bet the sails on those turbines are turning at a fair rate of knots! It’s amazing how they build those in the sea like that. Not a job I’d relish.
    Glad you’ve got stuck into the book. It’s nice when you get one like that and can’t put it down. It certainly makes the time fly by. I’ve not done any proper reading for a very long time.
    Hope it doesn’t get too wintery up there in the next few days.

  2. I am glad I went for the walk, but a short one was quite enough!
    I think all the wind farms out at sea look amazing, not an easy job fitting them I imagine.
    Need to sort out another book now that I am in reading mode. I often go for months without reading more than the odd article.

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