Friday 16 February 2018

Such Fun!!??!!

I felt a little better this morning and had a day planned out in my mind. Get on with the painting of the mosaic and mirror and then, as it looked a lovely day, a nice stroll in the afternoon, maybe to Freeport. That was before I flushed the loo in my shower room, heard the gurgling in the bathroom and ended up with blocked toilets! I have a small plunger, so using that with a cloth round it I tried to unblock it, to no avail. Phone Mike who said that a mop is the best plunger for a toilet! So I went down to get the mop but the head kept falling off so it wasn't a great success. By then I realised the toilet paper was coming to the surface each time I tried. I went over to Countdown and bought an old fashioned mop and a basic bucket as the floor was getting wet when I removed the mop and it was coming over as I plunged!

I was gathering the loo roll as it came up, you can see from both bins that there was a lot!

I went over to Countdown again and got some blockage clearing stuff, really for sinks but anything was worth a try, that didn't work either! I tried finding local plumbers but didn't have any success there either, certainly got a workout today with all the plunging, I didn't give up until well gone 1 pm and had started before 9 am. I managed to get the new washing machine to work so that I could get all the towels I had been using to catch the water.
I thought the day could only get better until I turned the mirror over, needed to get that backing off before I could paint it.
Another fun activity.

Got what I could off then sanded the rest sort of smooth, lost all inclination by this point.
I did get a couple more coats of paint on the back of the mosaic as well.
Darren was home early and went straight to bed, his turn to get the germs.
Mike phoned to see how things were and said that another thing to try was a bucket of hot water down the loo if it had drained. Tried that, got more paper up but they are both still blocked. I know there is plaster or something in the base of my loo, I have cleared what I can reach. When Tina is home she can get it sorted, not back until Sunday, but the downstairs loo is okay so it is not too desperate.
So, all in all, one of  the worst days I have had since we moved here, but on the bright side I haven't been coughing and choking too much!


  1. Got to be one of the worst jobs to do! Unblocking toilets is no fun and also extremely difficult at times. The only real way to do it is a man with the right tools. You shouldn’t really have been doing it anyway as you have a big strong man in the house. He could have dived in, so to speak, when he got home. At least you’ve got umpteen toilets in that place so you won’t get caught short.
    The mirror looks a bit of a nightmare too. It’s obviously designed for indoor use really with that felt backing on, but should last a few years outside.
    Don’t think you should have been doing either task today with your bad throat. Hopefully you’ll take it a bit easier tomorrow.

  2. Ended up with cat sick to round off the day! Roll on tomorrow.Hopefully it will be a little less eventful tomorrow.

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