Saturday 30 September 2017

Peasholm Island

Just one sunset shot.

This morning I caught the bus just after 7.30 am to go into town. Had the pool to myself again which I am really enjoying, will be a bit of a shock next time I have to share! I had breakfast in the cafe near the hotel, then went to M & S to do the weekend shopping, I had taken the trolley with me. Took a few pics as I walked from the bus stop to the hotel, not sunrise but nice morning light.

I would have called the last one 'lovebirds' but I think it was a couple of work mates! I did some shopping and the trolley was pretty heavy with my swimming stuff in there as well. Got the bus home, unpacked, had a cuppa and did a few chores.
It had turned into a lovely day so I made a flask of coffee, my bright little one, holds about a mug full, but enough for a short trip out. I took some bird and squirrel food. I hoped to get onto the island but if it was closed was going to make my way to the glen. The park was looking lovely and some signs of autumn.

There was a heron by the lake, it moved two times as it was being disturbed by the folk in boats. I didn't have the camera with the big zoom, but this one wasn't too bad.
The island was open, so that was great, I really love going up to the oriental garden. More climbing, but much prettier than yesterday's.
A few from the garden.

This one on the way down.
I walked round in front of the waterfall, which was dry today. A swan had sat preening there and really liked the pellets, he/she was literally hoovering them up!

Spotted this unusual fungus as I came through the park on the way home.
A couple more shots taken in the park.

Haven't done a great deal this afternoon once I was home. Tina and I are going out this evening if we can muster the energy. I am a bit achy, not too surprising as I have upped the activity considerably, but a few pills should sort it out.


  1. Another very full day. Some great pics tonight too. The garden on the island is lovely. I’d forgotten just how nice it is up there, specially on a nice day. The birds and squirrels must love you in that park :-) You could have got away with lovers on the bench, as they dont look like workmates.
    Hope you enjoy the show this evening. Just don’t nod off in there after your busy day!
    What would we do without pills? I couldn’t manage without my bucketful each week :-)

  2. The park itself is great, but I really do love going up to the island garden, so tranquil.
    The show was funny, very good singers and quite silly, but in a good way.
