Friday 15 September 2017

Perfect pumpkins!

It was tipping down with rain when I  got up this morning but had stopped by the time I went to catch the bus into town. I really enjoyed being in the pool today, it was really warm and I had it to myself the whole time. From there I set off to the studio but passed a shop with these fantastic pumpkins made from dyed rope, not sure when they were formed round, but think they would be great as Halloween decorations.Fancy having a go really.

Quite like the covered lampshade frame as well.
Donna was at the studio, I decided to paint a rabbit ornament, it has been on the shelves for a coupld of years and I did have to repair a chip on the saucer before I started.
I painted for about an hour and a half so have a way to go, but I think she will be quite cute when she is done.
Tina picked me up from the studio and we went to Sainsbury's, had a snack and then had a mega shopping spell. We got some stuff in the sales first, I got some nice mugs, and apron and some nice cooking dishes which will be perfect when I am doing the cooking for the freezer. Tina got some nice nibbles bowls and a pack of tea towels. We got those into the car and then did the proper shopping, food for the weekend and for me to have a cook-in tomorrow. We got some lovely flowers and I have put then in one of the vases I painted at the studio, it has a slim neck and is quite tall, this bunch of flowers suit it very well.
The fern on the landing has developed a triffid complex I think, not only is in filling up the stairwell.
Now it is climbing the walls!!
The clouds were pretty special earlier, clear blue sky now.
Have my flu jab in the morning then I plan to cook for the freezer.


  1. The pumpkins are nice. Maybe they used the polystyrene balls you can buy, then cored the centre to wrap the string through. The lampshade is great, but as lampshades go, it doesn't shade a lot :-)
    Lots of bargains while shopping today. Good job Tina had plenty of room in her car! The flowers really do suit that vase. Good job you have a few to choose from. At the rate the fern is going you'll need something bigger to put that into soon too!
    Nice sky, and I like how it's framed with the window at an odd angle too.

  2. I was thinking they probably used polystyrene balls, very effective and different, it was a really eye catching window display.
    I like that vase, so good to find the right flowers for it. As for the fern, it goes from strength to strength, all the plants on the landing do well, no drafts and good light I suppose. I do look after them too!

  3. How's the one we accidentally uprooted doing. I remember you saying it had a green shoot, or have I been dreaming again?

    1. Not dreaming, I will take a picture of it tomorrow, growing well!

  4. You're right, it is a chubby lady with a cup and saucer. Well I never :-)
