Tuesday 5 September 2017

What a day!

Tina and I set off at 9 am and made our way to Holy Island, It was a really awful journey for Tina as it rained, in fact tipped down, all the way!
When we got to the causeway we stopped so that I could take some pictures before we crossed.

It has stopped raining when we got to the island which was a bonus, we went for a drink and wander and then settled into our very nice accommodation.

We went to the priory and church this afternoon but those photos are on my other camera so I will post some of them maybe tomorrow or when we get home. My ankle was getting sore so I sat in a garden of remembrance and did a sketch while Tina went to a service at the Holy Island church.
Before dinner we had a walk and manged to get onto the higher walkway behind the priory to get a better look at the view.

Loved those turnstyles.
Then we went to the pub for out dinner. What a wonderful meal, and I went out on a limb a bit. I had deep fried camembert with redcurrant jelly for starter, and then for dinner smoked haddock with bacon and banana with vegetables. Took the picture before the veggies arrived.

There is a small island in the sea that can only be reached at low tide, it is where St Cuthbert hid out and Tina has never made it across before. She really wanted to so this evening, we clamber across, me too, and I managed not to damage anything else.

Wouldn't you have guessed, and amazing sunset tonight.

Great reflections in the puddles and then the moon came up.

The priory building looked pink as we walked back to the accommodation.
Now having a glass of ginger wine, being led astray!!


  1. Definitely not a good start to your trip. I pity Tina having to drive in that weather as it's awful on your eyes. But judging from the place itself and where you're staying, it was well worth the effort! Such a beautiful place an lots to photograph. The weather really played ball for you once you arrived. Absolutely cracking pictures, all of them. The sunset is lovely, and so different without an aerial in it :-) I particularly like the pink puddle and priory, and the one with Tina by the cross with the lovely pink clouds.
    The meal sounds, and looks extremely nice too. Wine as well. You'll sleep well tonight :-)
    Like the sketch by the way, just my style.
    Hope tomorrow turns out to be as nice as today has obviously been. Enjoy it, both of you.

  2. Seems much longer that this morning that we set out. A really great day, we have a boat trip planned for tomorrow so that should be fun.
