Sunday 17 September 2017

Misty morning.

After the rainy skies last night it was a rather lovely and subtle sunset.

I had a begonia that had got so long that it was in danger of making the pot fall over. What Mike was up we got a stake and were carefully trying to prop it up. we thought we had succeeded and then noticed that it had come adrift at the base! I had that tall, slowly dying plant on the landing for a couple of weeks or more and then decided it was time to bin it. I must add that we did push the stem back into the soil but without much conviction. Well, this plant wasn't ready to give up the ghost and has sprouted again, I removed most of the original growth.
This morning Darren and I set off for the boot sale, the weather forecast had said it would be fine which was a little off the mark. The mist in the valley was fabulous but couldn't really take any pictures until we actually arrived.

That did clear but the rain persisted, so it was a small sale and many sellers had plastic sheets over their wares. I did get a cushion, which Darren spotted, I had said I wanted one as Tina had asked me if I could make one of her old college t shirts into a cushion cover. More of that later. I also got a nice little stool for when I got sketching, for £1.50, this one is a bit bigger that the ones I have had before, ample enough to accommodate by backside! And a little otter plate for 50p.
The grass was going yellow on some blades, call me odd if you like, but I thought it looked good.
At one point there was a rainbow, which made up for being wet and a bit cold!

When we got home I fed the Christmas cakes, I made them slightly later this year so want to ekkp to weekly feeds if I can.
Tina had given me a t shirt to re-cycle as I said. I worked on it before I went down to get dinner and finished it off when I came back up. The cushion we found was just the right size and Tina is happy with the result.
The rain has never been that far away today and it is feeling distinctly autumnal, although it is supposed to get a bit warmer as the week goes on. Strike tonight.


  1. Definitely a different sky. Very subtle but still colourful. Glad to see the plant we tried our hardest to kill is still fighting! That little landing are of yours is a perfect little greenhouse for your collection.
    The boot sale field does look a bit muddy, but worth the trip if only for a nice sausage bap :-) A couple of good bargains too. I like the little stool, it looks quite comfy.
    Nice cushion. You'd never guess it was made from a t- shirt. You really are multitalented! I can see why Tina was chuffed with it, and it does a bit towards recycling too.
    I saw a double rainbow yesterday when I was out with Brian, but we were in the car so I didn't get chance to take a pic.
    I'm looking forward to Strike.

  2. I did like seeing the sky last night, I always do but it was so different.
    It was quite muddy but I wore the Crocs today so it was fine.The bap was up to it's usual standard and she makes our tea in proper mugs now so we are 'special' customers!
    Hopefully there won't be orders for t shirt cushions!!
    Enjoy Strike, another one starts next week.

  3. You know you've become a regular customer when you get a mug instead of a paper cup :-)

  4. That's right, really nice friendly lady too.:-)
