Wednesday 13 September 2017

Lavender bells!

I had a parcel to send off, so adapted a box to put the contents in and then caught the bus into town to get it sent off. Had a look in a couple of shops but was home again quite quickly today.
The sunflowers at the top of the road are pretty spectacular, and surviving the wind quite well too.

 A parcel arrived with some massive autumn crocus bulbs that I will have to plant up in a pot I think, must remember to get some compost. I also ordered a small, battery operated, water feature. It is cute, adn the little bird lights up and chirps occasionally, but no a lot and not irritating. The main problem is that Blue was more that a little interested in it, so it may not be turned on that often!
I dried some lavender and have more drying in Darren's shed. I bought some Christmas materials a few weeks back and thought it would be nice to make Christmas tree decorations that were also lavender bags. As I had some little bells I didn't use last year I thought bells would be the theme. I made a simple pattern and marked out two of the fabrics I bought.
I spent quite a lot of the afternoon and will post pictures of the decorations before and after stuffing.

Today has been mostly bright with a few heavy showers. The sky earlier looked like more showers may be on the way, but it is mainly blue sky again now.


  1. The sunflowers are amazing. I'm surprised they're still standing with the winds you get around there. Never seem to see them around this way anymore.
    Nice little water feature. I can see why the cat likes it so much. I bet he tries to drink from it like he does the tap :-)
    Are the decorations all for your tree. I know you try to keep its decorations to just those you've made. You'll need a bigger tree soon! But I don't suppose there's any reason why you can't just bung a couple in a drawer too.
    Very dramatic skies to finish with!

  2. I will keep a couple but I am sure they will be appreciated at the next church sale, they are a bit different I think.
    There is another house at the bottom of the road that has huge sunflowers, I am amazed at how well they do here too.
