Sunday 1 October 2017

Peasholm glen

When we were in York Tina got me some ice cubes, well, not exactly, shapes to freeze so that it cools the drink without diluting it. We found a ginger wine that I actually like ( have never liked a wine before). The problem is I can only have a little as it sets my rosacea off!!Anyway, I digress, this is about the funky ice cubes.
Last night Tina and I went to the YMCA to see Ruddigore, a Gilbert and Sullivan comic opera. It was a little crazy and a lot of fun. So this morning I caught up with the first Strictly voting show. Some great dances and go Jonnie go!! Results tonight. I also watched Casualty.
Have more or less sorted out what I need to take tomorrow when Sandy and I head off to Reading to go to a 'pottery camp'.
After dinner I thought I would have a bit of a walk, I had a letter to post, so went on to the park but this time made my way to the glen. Will post a series of pictures without explanation.

There are some new sculptures which tells me I haven't been there for quite a while.

I am  not sure if this bird, in the shade, was a baby moorhen.
Didn't cover that much ground, but an enjoyable hour getting some air, and it didn't rain, so that was a bonus.


  1. The ice things actually look enormous in that pic as there’s nothing to scale too. When I first saw them I assumed they were apple size, but obviously not! Good idea though as there’s nothing worse than an over diluted drink, specially a nice wine.
    The glen is a lovely place, specially in the autumn with the leaves changing colour. Some great pics you’ve got there.
    Another trip away for you next week. You’re getting to be a real gadabout these days! I’m just jealous :-)

  2. They do look big in the picture, they are bigger than marbles and smaller that table tennis balls!!
    I enjoyed going to the glen, I has some squirrel food, a mixture, but they really prefer the peanuts in shells, so will get some more of those for next time I go.
    October is going to see me making three trips. but one of them will be Peterborough so will be seeing you then!
