Wednesday 20 September 2017

Varied day

No sunset last night but a bit of pink sky this morning. I don't see the sunrise because of the concrete cricket stand at the bottom of the back garden! But the sunrise must have been good because I don't usually see colour in the morning. Couple of spots on the first one, probably the dirty window!

Tina dropped me off at the hotel this morning, had the pool to myself again and managed about fifteen minutes continuous swimming again. The south bay was it's lovely self.

I walked back from town, calling in to see Donna at the studio briefly, and then went to see if I could negotiate the cello drawers, as I really like it. Got a bit knocked off the price and the chap even fetched it home for me, gave me a lift as well! It is in the dining room at the moment downstairs, I may do some waxing down there. May not be everyone's cup of tea, Darren's face was a picture when I showed him, but I like it which is what matters.

I had a drink and sit down and then went down to do a bit of tidying in the front garden. One bush was bulging out over the pavement and another one into next doors garden the main part just needed some trimming and tidying. These are before.

And these after.

It may not look a lot but I had quite a pile of prunings in the garden as well as those ones on the street.

Tina had a meeting in Bridlington and took me along for the ride. I had a bit over an hour to wander around, so I walked into town, liked these bicycle stands.
I make it down to the harbour.

I was amused by the gulls making use of the boats!

I walked back through the town, bought a few bits in The Yorkshire Trading Company and stopped for a cup of tea, then made my way back to where I was meeting Tina. We had a good drive home, I was quite achy and won't be doing a lot this evening, but things are a little better joint wise at the moment. 
Not exactly a sunset tonight as the sun was nowhere to be seen, but the sky was good.


  1. No sunsets again, but I like the pink morning skies and the clouds from tonight. I'm sure the sunsets will be back with a vengeance soon though.
    You've been extremely busy today! The garden looks so much better in the after pics. It might only be little, but you end up with a lot of debris after a clear up! It's a never ending job! Your little trip out with Tina looks very nice. The pic with the gull in flight near the boats is very good. I suppose making use of the boats keeps them from having to put up with the damn humans, unless they want food that is :-)
    The best part of the day must have been when you got the cello though. It really is a lovely bit of furniture, and will look even better once you've attacked it with wax, if you decide to that is. Darren is just an old fuddy duddy. If it was an electronic cello I bet he'd have liked it :-)

  2. I liked the one where I caught the gull flying in.
    I love the cello, not a bit practical but I don't care!
    It certainly is a never ending job trying to keep some control in the garden. Haven't been able to do as much as I would like this year which hasn't helped.
    It was nice to have a little wander in Bridlington, where I had my surgery, I waved at the hospital as we went by (Tina told me to!)

  3. Not sure whos the daftest, you or Tina!
