Monday 7 March 2016

Yesterday evening I had the urge to get the paints out and see if I could capture the lovely stocks that I received for Mother's day. I have been caught up with quilting, did paint at the studio but haven't done any actual painting for a while. I have put it up on the wall today as it will remind me of the flowers when they are gone.
This morning it had snowed a bit and was cold so I went down early with the bubble mixture!
It didn't work, not many settle as it was so windy, and those that did soon popped! May be next winter before I get a frosted one! Tina dropped me in town this morning, I had a couple of things to get and then was going to shop at  Aldi, so I took the trolley with me. When I got home had a bit of a sit down, then did some tidying up, mainly so I could make a mess again when I started on the cot quilt! Here it is in progress, did have to do some unpicking when I was quilting as the layering wasn't quite as good as it should have been and I think the different material didn't help.
I only stopped a little while ago, but I just have binding strips to cut and attach tomorrow.
Think I will watch Dalziel and Pascoe in a bit!


  1. The niegbours will think you've gone potty if they see you blowing bubbles in the garden early on frosty mornings! They'll think you're performing a ritual :-) I'm sure you'll manage to get a picture of a frosted bubble in the end though.
    The new quilt can't be as bad as the other one was, as it's not been given a bad nickname, like the "disaster" one was! It looks pretty good to me. Bet the flower painting looks good on the wall too. You'll be running out of wall space soon!

  2. Felt potty out there, it was a very cold wind! Might have to start taking some pictures down!
