Tuesday 22 March 2016

Great sky last night, it kept changing, at it's most spectacular like this.
Then it settled like this before it began to get dark.
This morning I continued to rest the leg and take it easy. Had a delivery of shopping at lunch time and then took a gentle walk to the studio. I had a chat with Sandy and a cup of tea then took another stroll home via the cliff top. The light was wonderful, like a iridescent glow along the horizon. Don't think the photos really show it up.
That was looking towards the Sea Life centre, the next one towards the castle.
Then one looking straight out to the sea.

As I got home I thought how pretty the daffodils are looking in the front garden now. Definitely like Spring!
The ankle is feeling a lot better so hopefully will get out for longer tomorrow. Do have to go for my follow up blood pressure check.


  1. You're just showing off now with all those lovely skies! :-) I really must sort out my camera and charge it up!
    You should have lots of photo opportunities now that Spring has finally arrived. It still feels a bit wintery here in the mornings though.

  2. I am sure it is being near the sea that makes the sky seem so amazing.
