Saturday 19 March 2016

Last night I started cleaning the butter knives, they are coming up quite well.

My friend from years ago is staying at the Travel Lodge for a couple of nights. I went up there this morning to meet her. The south bay looked cold but it didn't stop the surfers, they must be made of strong stuff. You cannot make them out in the picture, but trust me, they were there!
There is a lovely cafe at the top of the disused cliff lift and now I see there looks like another one at the bottom. Such a good use of an old feature.
We caught the open top bus along to the north bay and had a walk in the park and the glen, then made our way back to the house for a hot drink. the wind was bitter and Carolyn isn't used to it. Then we looked up bus times and decided to take a short trip to Whitby. It is an hour on the bus but so lovely across the moors, and exciting going down the steep hill to Robin Hood's Bay. It was equally cold in Whitby but we had some lunch and had a walk round the quaint shops, I had told her that nearly every other shop sold Whitby jet! Saw this Morris dancer making his way home.
Then took a shot of Whitby on the way back to the bus stop.
We waited at the bus stop for an hour, as one had broken down, we were very cold and I was pretty achy by the time we did get onto a bus! Back in Scarborough I made sure that Carolyn could find her way back to the hotel and made my weary way home!


  1. No, can't see any surfers, but I've seen them with my own eyes and know just how do-lally they are! Was telling Michelle as much the other day too :-)
    Whitby is a really nice place, particularly if you like jet! I also remember the lovely fish and chips there. Definitely looks a bit chilly today from your photos. Even the Morris dancer looks as though he's keen to get home to the warm. Maybe tomorrow will be a warmer day, and everything will look so much better.

  2. As I was walking home it was trying to rain and it almost felt like fine show, was a chilly day!
