Thursday 31 March 2016

Tina took me up to the station about 8.30 am so that I would be in good time for my train. In the end we need not have rushed as the train was about 15 minutes late! That meant I had about 8 minutes from getting off one train, going to find where my connection was departing and having to go across to the other platforms! I literally got on the last carriage of my train as the doors were closing! Anyway, time to recover then and arrive on time in Peterborough with Mike waiting for me. We had a cup of tea at his place then got a bit of lunch. We both went in and spent a little time with the two elderly ladies we used to visit ( now 96 and 95 years young!) The Mike took me to the Eye Green lake. He used to walk there regularly and we never did get there when lived in Peterborough. It is a very attractive spot and the weather was glorious.

After that I checked in at the hotel, wifi isn't any better than last time. Mike and I went to Ibrahimi's for tea, very good food and atmosphere as usual. Back now and resting for tomorrow's big adventure.


  1. Glad you had a good day, and not too hectic either. You'll need all your energy for the next few days :-)
    It was nice that you finally got to go to the lake, and it was such a nice day too for your first visit. Maybe another time I'll drag you up and down the steps too!

  2. That would be good providing my ankle and knee decide to stop playing up!
