Tuesday 8 March 2016

This morning I wrote some letters and got a package ready to send to America, did some washing and managed to dye my clothing by putting a new pair of red trousers in! I set off for the ceramic studio and was ready to make a start on my scarecrow plate. But Donna is away this week and she had left a note to ask me to do some lettering on a couple of plates. I spent over an hour feeling somewhat stressed as the lettering  was on plates with baby hand and foot prints. Luckily I managed to get them done without any mistakes and wrote on a couple of other items too. Sandy did buy me lunch and then I made a start on the scarecrow plate. I will hopefully go and finish it off tomorrow as Sandy will be glazing and putting the kiln on tomorrow night.
I walked into town and to the post office before I came home. I sat with Colonel on my lap for a while when I got home as he was feeling neglected with everyone out today! I had said I would get dinner for Darren and Tina and thought I would try to make a rainbow cake while I was in the kitchen. I have had the tins and colours for some time, but with my general failure on the sponge front have been loath to try them! It was a different recipe and I followed it to the letter, the recipe said to turn the cakes mid bake, had real reservations about that as you shouldn't be opening the oven when baking cakes in my experience. I opened up very slowly and the nearest cake immediately began to sink!! So closed up quickly and hoped for the best.  They were not great, but it looks pretty enough!
Getting the different colours is a lot of messing about, had to divide the mixture into five bowls to add different colours. I won't be in a hurry to try this again! May try and get the edging done on the quilt this evening.


  1. Quite a stressful day, but still productive. Painting on someone else's plates sounds a total nightmare! No pressure there then :-)
    The scarecrow plate is lovely, and I definitely look forward to seeing the finished product. Maybe a tin man and a lion.............
    The cake didn't come out too bad at all, and I'm guessing it won't last long with Darren and Tina around anyway! Next time, don't open the door, don't look at it, don't breathe........... :-)

  2. It tastes a bit odd, but edible. Next time, if there is a next time, I will use a normal sponge recipe! Looking forward to finishing the plate too.
