Thursday 3 March 2016

This morning I did some general cleaning and re-arranged my cooking cupboard which now has more space as Darren has removed a lot of the storage boxes. Then I started cutting out squares for the baby cot quilt. Darren and I went off to have lunch together and then he dropped me off at the craft shop. I started some little Easter decorations which I will take a picture of when they are finished. I bought some wadding from Sandra and some thread to match the quilts. I walked over to the studio and my plate was out of the kiln. I am pleased with it and got it straight up onto the wall when I got home.
As I walked back from the craft shop i liked the sky you will be surprised to hear!
I got on with cutting out the squares for the baby quilt when I got home and then decided on the layout.
Since then I have had more problems with the disaster quilt, obviously that one is destined to challenge me all the way, but I will complete it! You never know, might have a quilt finished by tomorrow but don't hold your breath!


  1. The plate and the cot quilt make up for the hassle the other one has caused, as they look great. The materials and layout on the cot quilt are lovely, she'll love it!
    Sounds like Darren's new shed is filling up rapidly if the boxes are disappearing out of your cupboard!
    Great sky too!

  2. Yes I suppose so, as Meatloaf would say 'Two out of three ain't bad!'
    Getting more space, will take a photo!

  3. Plate and quilt look amazing, does she know what sex the child will be? The sky is pretty dark, hope snow is not on the way.
    Lots in Sheffield, Adrian has to go there with work. How is the cooker now ? Must be good to get the extra space so you can cook more upstairs.

    1. She is having a boy, so the material is a safe bet. The cooker is no different, well, the sponges aren't anyway! Been a lousy day but icy rain not snow, has been raining all day and still is!
