Saturday 5 March 2016

This morning I spent over two hours hand finishing the quilt.  Best not keep calling it the disaster quilt as everyone who has seen it really likes it. Even the ladies at the quilting class, so I suppose I will have to accept that even if not perfect the finished article is still acceptable!
I made a cottage pie ready for this evening as I was helping at the studio this afternoon. Made my way up there and Donna and I worked out a seating plan for 19 children, the birthday girl was 5 but there were a variety of ages in the children. 8 parents stayed too, so very loud and very messy! After the painting I got on with washing up and getting everything ready for painter next week. Darren came in and helped me for a while which was a great help. I liked the look of the sky on the way home, the way the rays are radiating out about the cloud.
When we got home we had missed a parcel but it had been left at a house up the road. It was a lovely bouquet of scented stocks from Anya and family, They look and smell lovely!
Great sunset tonight, haven't had a good one in a while.
The Voice and Casualty tonight, and no sewing!


  1. The quilt looks really lovely, and if the quilting class think so then it must be! Onward and upward, I look forward to seeing the cot quilt finished next.
    Couple of great sky pics. Love the ray effect in the first one, and the sunsets are always good.
    Beautiful bunch of flowers, and a lovely thought too. Take it easy tomorrow and let the others spoil you -)

  2. It was really nice to have the quilters genuinely like the quilt, I think the colours helped as I have seen some weird combinations. The flowers smell great which is a bonus.
