Friday 4 March 2016

I have spent hours today on the 'disaster quilt' and still have the edging to do. It is so bad it almost looks good, if you know what I mean. Hopefully a picture tomorrow, but not for the eyes of dedicated quilters! It has been a truly horrible day weather wise, not snow but it has rained/hailed all day and it is an icy wind as well! I collected vouchers in the local paper to get a pass for Sea Life again this year. I needed to make the claim by Monday. When I badly needed a break from the sewing I set off to walk to the Sea Life centre. Probably only about a mile but bitterly cold rain. I was going to cut through the park, managed to get by this area by going on the grass.
But the next one was impossible so had to take a different route, not through the park!
The sea and beach looked pretty uninviting but there were a few dog walkers around.

When I got there I was dripping wet and steamed up, so difficult to fill in the form that they wanted completing. I did have a look round inside after I went up to the cafe for a nice warm cup of tea. The sea urchins are the first thing you see, so bright after the dull walk.
I am always captivated by the jellyfish!

Turtle going overhead, don't often get to take a picture of their tummies!
I have also taken endless photographs of the seahorses but without a lot of success. This is better than most I have managed.
A fish by some coral, just bright and cheerful.
Last, but definitely not least, this adorable little turtle!
An equally wet and cold walk back, I sewed the binding strips together and got then ready to attach to the quilt. Darren and I went out for tea and then did some shopping for the weekend. Going to try and get the binding attached before Shetland. But everything with this quilt so far hasn't gone to plan so we will see how it goes!


  1. Looks pretty rough up there, and definitely not walking weather. The free pass is worth having though, so a good soaking seems a fair swap :-)
    It's a great place to look around, even when you're wet! The sea horses have come out well considering the thickness of the glass, and the turtle is great! He's got a great expression.
    I'm looking forward to seeing the picture of the finished quilt, because that'll mean it's finished :-)

  2. You never know, maybe tomorrow! Yes, just love the little turtle!
