Wednesday 23 March 2016

Went for my blood pressure check this morning, all good and in normal ratio, so they will check it again in six months.Took a short walk to the park before coming home. Watched these two blackbirds for a while, think they were nesting now Spring is in the air.
This was an oops photo, someone wasn't concentrating!
A lovely bright flower bed, the day was bright early on  but soon clouded over.
Back home I defrosted the freezer as Tina has a fish delivery coming tomorrow, and it was quite iced up near the top. there was some blackberries in there, goodness knows how long, so I made a crumble and they smelt good. Darren and I drank the juice and we are still here! We cleared the garden clippings from the back garden as it is garden rubbish bin this week. My willow tree is looking good.
The bonsai trees have survived the winter, I will need to prune the roots this year, always makes me a bit nervous but they usually survive and benefit from it.
There is a seed tray in the back garden that is full of water and seems to have become a big frogs private little home!
Here he is having a breath of fresh air!
Tina, use these for fb if you want to! I painted up some mixing bowls and planted them for the bazaar, they didn't all sell but are flowering now, and the painting on the outside is still there too!
I have been cutting out squares for a new quilt this afternoon. I am going to try and use material I already have and plan to have back and front patterned. I should only need to actually buy more wadding for this one. That is the plan anyway!

 Colonel is on my lap at the moment, very uncomfortable, for me anyway! When I get up he will settle on my computer chair next to the radiator, one of his favourite spots!


  1. Someone will be in trouble for making that mess on the grass. They usually look after the park really well, so I can't imagine it was a groundsman who did it.
    Your garden is looking pretty good too, complete with your own frog! You always worry about the bonsai pruning, but you've not killed them off so far, so you must be doing something right.
    When you finish the latest quilt, you should make a miniature one for Colonel. Not just a small one, but one with a similar pattern to the others but using smaller squares. Yes, I know it's easier for me to say it than for you to do it :-)

  2. Oh, you are so full of good ideas!! Thanks for that. I did make the cushion cover on the chair!! Yes, I know I stress about the trees, but it really does help them in the long run I know!
