Friday 25 March 2016

Was up really early as I couldn't stop coughing, not a great start. I sat and did puzzles in bed for an hour or so then made a cup of tea and fed the cat! I had been thinking about the latest quilt and how difficult it will be to line it up with patterns on both sides, I understand now the logic of a plain back. I really didn't want to buy any more material and was wondering if I had enough to make borders, and of course, I need to make two borders! I had done 9 pairs of similar blocks and was going to have nine different ones on each side. But I re-arranged them in lighter and darker groups so that I can have different coloured borders that still sort of blend! I have sewn one side together, not started the other one or the borders yet.
So far, so good, I like the arrangement so far. This morning the sun was shining so decided that the sewing could wait for a wet day, I went out in the garden to start re-potting the bonsai trees. This is my oldest one, I have had it at least thirteen years, maybe slightly longer. It is a horse chestnut. This was taken after pruning the roots and putting it in its bigger pot.
I soon realised that I hadn't bought enough bonsai potting compost so talked Darren into taking me to Deans Garden Centre. We had a snack and I got compost and a nice plant for the garden, also some white gravel to put on the newly planted pots. Darren go a nice tall pot for one of his larger bonsai trees. While we were looking round we saw quite a few bees and this butterfly. A bit out of focus but I was facing the sun and it was very bright (good as excuse as any!)
I carried on with the trees when we got home, oh, by the way, the frog is still in residence, thing I will call him Jeremy as I am a Beatrix Potter fan! I still need more compost and maybe another large pot so will twist someone's arm to take me there again tomorrow! Anyway quite a few done and hopefully they will enjoy the root shake up and prune!
Must get this pretty primula into the garden tomorrow, hope fully before the rain otherwise I will be getting very wet from the sound of it!
It is looking like sunset season is back, and it has moved round so that it is easier for me to take a picture from my tv room.


  1. The "oddment" quilt, had to name it, is coming on well, and I have every confidence that it'll line up perfectly well. It looks a decent size too, perfect for the winter months.
    The bonsai have done really well over the years, even more so considering I've been left in charge of them a few times when you've been on holiday! My record with my own plants isn't wonderful as you know.
    Great sunset as usual, and only the start of many more to come I'm sure.

  2. Oddment quilt, a really good name for it! I know my trees aren't like the ones you buy, but I am quite attached to them as have nursed them along for some time now!
