Friday 11 March 2016

I was up quite early and started piecing the quilt together. So far so good!
I went up to the studio and started on the ruby slipper plate. Went to town after I had painted the image, I needed some bits and pieces and Sandy wanted a package collecting from the sorting office. There were some of the human statues in town again, I hadn't seen this one before.
I went back to the studio and finished off the plate by doing the lettering. It won't be ready until the end of next week.
Have watched a Taggart this afternoon, I may get a bit more done to the quilt this evening. I bought some wadding on the way home from the studio.


  1. The quilt is looking good, and must be going ok as it hasn't been given a nickname yet! Im interested to see what it looks like when it has a border. I really like the colours and pattern now, but it always amazes me how different it looks with a border added.
    Great plate. I like the yellow brick road background :-)

  2. I used the sparkly red paint for the outside of the shoes, so will be interesting to see what difference it make. Have enjoyed doing these plates. Quilt is going fine you will be pleased to know!
