Saturday 12 March 2016

This morning I went in to town about 9 am, wanted to try and get some more of a spider web material that I got in the Singer shop a while back. They had run out but I got an alternative to use on the quilt I am making. On my way out I thought this primula was looking pretty, it was one that I rescued when it was way past it's best last year.
I took another picture of the sun shrouded by the clouds, I am sure passers by think I have lost the plot completely!
After I left the material shop I was a bit early to go to the studio so I went into the Brunswick Centre and had a matcha latte. Haven't seen them anywhere else but they are made with ground green tea leaves. I am not a lover of green tea, although I have tried to get a taste for it many times, but I do love these lattes!!
I went to the ceramic studio and helped Donna get ready for the party, for thirteen children. Then stayed and helped generally with the clearing away and plenty of washing up. A great bunch of children today with very good mums keeping them in order. Helped her set up for another party for 10 children and then made my way home. My knee was aching a bit today, makes a change from the ankle, so rested a bit. Then Tina and I went and got some shopping in for dinner tomorrow and for Not Home Alone on Tuesday. We are off to see The Fureys in Bridlington this evening which I am really looking forward to.


  1. It'll be interesting to see what alternative material you've got. Is it spider themed too? I'm sure it'll look good either way. Like the look of the latte too. Sounds an odd flavour, even though I do like green tea. I'll have to try one. A busy day, but a pleasant evening out to end it is good organising. I'm sure it'll be a great night.
    .......and I'm sure people don't think you're losing the plot, they just think you're senile :-)

  2. You are probably right! Either way, not too bothered if people think I am nuts! The show was great.
