Wednesday 30 March 2016

Looked out this morning and the seagull on a chimney in the bright light just made me thing 'Good morning from Scarborough!'
I had receipts that I wanted to get the loyalty points from added to my card. We thought we would visit The Mere on the way and perhaps have a bacon sandwich, as Tina was feeling a bit better and going to venture out for the first time since Easter. We had a very short walk, it was muddy and we came up to a swan who was feeling very territorial! The cafe wasn't open so we went to Deans to get the points transferred and decided to have breakfast at Sainsbury's. Did take a few pics at the Mere.
Had lots of photos of swans but was pleased with this one.
I walked into town from Sainsbury's, had to collect my train tickets from the station and get one or two other bits. I crossed over and walked to the station from the opposite side of the road to usual. Funny how you notice interesting buildings that you regularly walk by when you see them from a different angle.
One of the primulas that I rescued last year when it was passed its best looks like it will be absolutely gorgeous this year.
This afternoon I have been getting the case packed as off to Peterborough tomorrow and then off to Centre Parcs with Anya on Friday! I also decided that I would get the sewing machine out and make the patchwork I was doing yesterday into a cushion.
What a treat of a sky again tonight!


  1. Enjoy centre pace, I'm sure you will just being withfamily

  2. Thanks Hazel, never been before so another new experience! xx

  3. Nearly missed this. Some lovely blue skies, and those sunsets do look so much better than the one we saw in my neck of the woods this evening!
