Sunday 27 March 2016

Had a really bad night, still coughing but the real problem was my knee just ached and I couldn't make it feel comfortable at all. But Darren and I still set off early, despite the clocks going forward, to attend the first boot sale of the season. It was bright, but the wind was very strong and cold, and the field where the sales are held is both open, near the sea and high, so it was freezing! Got a lovely little sugar and creamer set, saw it on the way round and said I would think about it, they were asking £3, decided I would go and see if it was still there before we came home and the guy said I could have it for £1. Bargain of the day, of all metals copper is probably my favourite, not that I really need any more knick-knacks!
Apart from getting dinner I have been working on the 'oddment' quilt. I probably wouldn't have started a double sided one if I had thought it through, but once started on the challenge I had to see it to the end. The borders, or the patterns for that matter, don't really line up, but I did freehand quilting patterns ( with no feed feet on the machine of a pressure foot. At least deciding on borders meant that the patterns remained complete! First side.
Second side.
And folded to prove they are actually the same quilt!!
Wet and windy tonight, hopefully it will settle down a bit soon.


  1. You're very brave going out in the freezing weather, but the bargain you go makes it well worth it. Do you like cleaning copper as much as looking at it? :-)
    Not a lot I can say about the quilt, you already know how much I like it. Bet it's nice and warm, that's the main thing.
    The weather doesn't look conducive to good sunset pictures. But you can't be spoilt all the time :-)

  2. I won't mind cleaning it, it's not very big! No quilting for a bit now, think I have a repetitive strain knee!!

  3. Hope all the good work on the knee has not been undone. Going out so early, you need to be resting up more, almost 70. Time to relax I think.
    Let's hope the better weather is not far away, very windy here, living at the top of the hill does not help. Sun out looks wonderful but a cold day out there.

  4. Rain has just stopped, it has been miserable here today. xxx
