Thursday 27 October 2022

Wet walk and out with Tina

When Ifed the birds very early with the help of the garden light there was very light rain. As the day progressed the rain got heavier. I went out to post a letter for Tina and also to take a cd I had bought for David and Sarah,  they were out so I put it in their post box. I decided them to make a walk of it as I can’t be a fair weather walking now winter is getting close! I went through the park, still lovely in the wet and very few dog walkers today.

You have to be careful on those leaves in the wet!
I did try to stabilise the first set of canes on the broom handle, not convinced I am going to make it work, but I have tried!
Tina had an eye appointment in Beverley so we set off in good time. The rain was really heavy as we drove there. I looked in a couple of shops before making my way to Boots to wit for her. Then we went to have some lunch before making out way back to the car. I took a couple of pictures of the road as we went back.

Tina had taken Darren to work this morning and we were collecting him from work and dropping him off at the garage to collect his car. We were too early so made our way to Sandhill garden centre which is a few minutes away from the power station. Just one photo of a Christmas display but I did end up buying a tree, not a twig one, as back up in case all else fails!
We had a drink and then went off to collect Darren. I have never been to Salt End power station so had to take some photos!

Passed this pub on the way home, I liked the sign.
Haven’t done a great deal this evening and feeling quite tired. Did do a bit of pedalling!
Visiting day tomorrow, well, Bel will come here if it isn’t raining,


  1. I used to enjoy walking in the rain when I used to do it every morning, but I’m not so keen these days. It can be quite pleasant though if you don’t get totally soaked. Still got my waterproofs, so might have to give it a try another day…..maybe. As you say, you do have to be extremely careful of the leaves on the ground!
    You’re not sounding too confident about the twig tree. I can see the problems involved though. You’ll keep at it knowing you, but it’s always good to have a backup tree 😊
    The weather doesn’t look too bad in the Beverly pics. A nice place to have lunch though regardless of weather.
    I know I usually harp on about Christmas displays at garden centres, but I actually don’t mind the little houses and other buildings they have lit up. I’d even be tempted to have a couple myself!
    Could be handy Darren working in a power station, specially if he could bring home a bit of cheap electricity with him 😊
    Hopefully feeling quite tired will result in a good nights sleep. You might be lucky.

  2. Seemed like a fairly full day again, but a lazy evening!
    I was good to see where Darren works, will have to ask him if they ever have guided tours.
    Beverley is a lovely town and some good browsing places including the antique centre. We went in today and came out without anything!
