Friday 7 October 2022

Trip to the auction at York

I picked the wrong day to go to the sea front, I think it would have been spectacular today, just caught the sky from the spare room window.
Got the cling film out, time for a shower!
We drove to York, the show room was a bit chaotic and nowhere to get refreshments, even a drink, and there was a torrential rainfall outside, the auctioneer had to get a better microphone to be heard!

We did both end up buying something, Tina got a very large fire screen and I got a revolving book stand but won’t have books on it!

Had the obligatory silly photo!
I was surprised to see some autumn colour on the way home.
Had some flowers from Angie waiting for me when I got home, very pretty.
Not feeling so bright today, but the hand seems fine s far.


  1. That sky does look nice. I bet it was a cracker from the beach. Plenty of other opportunities though.
    What would we do without clingfilm? 😄 Its a very good use for it though.
    Nice to get out, but not good that you couldn’t get refreshments at the auction house. If you go again remember a flask! Definitely worth going. I really like both of your purchases. Great fire screen, and the book stand is very unusual. I’ll be interested to see what you end up using it for if not books.
    How many silly photos have you had taken over the years? You really should have a scrapbook with just those photos in 😊
    The flowers were a nice surprise for when you got home. Good job you have all those vases.
    Glad to hear the hand appears fine. Shame you’re not quite so bright today though. You probably just need a few decent nights sleep.
    Maybe an easy day tomorrow?

    1. I wouldn’t like to guess at the number of silly photos, a good few though! Not likely to grow out of the habit now!
      It was an interesting day, seeing what flies and what goes for a song.
      Feeling pretty tired tonight so will see if that helps!
